
Balatoni látkép a 30-as években

Az édesvizek sótartalmának növekedése (szalinizációja) világjelenség, amely   a XXI. század első évtizedeiben került az érdeklődés homlokterébe. Elsődleges kiváltó oka a bányászat, a kőolaj- és gázkitermelés, az utak sózása, a műtrágyahasználat, és a tájhasználat változása.

kockás sikló

Researchers from the HUN-REN Balaton Limnological Research Institute (HUN-REN BLRI) examined the effects of urbanisation typical of the shores of Lake Balaton and artificial lakeside habitats on the developmental stability, size and body condition of dice snakes (Natrix tessellata


Researchers from our Institute (HUN-REN BLRI) examined the role of habitat specialisation, spatial, and environmental variability in shaping diversity patterns of fish metacommunities in two different floodplains of the river Danube. Their results show that the total number of species and the numbe

vízibolhák grafika

HUN-REN BLRI researchers investigated the temperature-dependent toxicity of neonicotinoids, assessing molecular alterations elicited by acute exposure and long-term consequences in the reproduction of Daphnia magna

egyetemi hallgatók gyakorlaton

Researchers from the Fish and Conservation Ecology working group of BLKI recently held a workshop for BSc and MSc Biology students at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Biology.


The Hungarian-American Stephen W. Kuffler (born: Vilmos Kuffler; 1913-1980) was a pioneering genius in several fields of neuroscience as well as an excellent teacher and mentor whose three students received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Stephen W.